Tuesday 13th November I was lucky to go an watch Breaking Dawn Part 2. with a couple of friends.
Friday, November 16, 2012
The Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn Part 2. - Amazing movie
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Great birthday gifts
I turned 28 on 11th October and here is a few of my great birthday gifts.
2 DKNY bags from my lovely boyfriend. He gave me one, but I returned it, and bought to that were on on sale, 50% off.
Some of the stuff I bought for the money I got. The autobiography by Ian Thorpe "This Is Me", "Philip Carlo "The Ice Man", and of course "Breaking Dawn Part 1."
I also bought to pictures by Anne Nielsen, calles "Succes" and "Reach For The Stars" photoes will come later
2 DKNY bags from my lovely boyfriend. He gave me one, but I returned it, and bought to that were on on sale, 50% off.
Some of the stuff I bought for the money I got. The autobiography by Ian Thorpe "This Is Me", "Philip Carlo "The Ice Man", and of course "Breaking Dawn Part 1."
I also bought to pictures by Anne Nielsen, calles "Succes" and "Reach For The Stars" photoes will come later
Sunday, September 16, 2012
My love of the day - Colin Egglesfield
I've been a sucker for Colin Egglesfield, since I saw him in the re-make of "Melrose Place". Then I saw him in "Something Borrowed" and I was completely taken. Soon after "Something Borrowed" he also turned up in "The Client List" in an even more awesome role. He is so beautiful. He has the most wonderful eyes, smile, look, and he is just pure gold!
If you guys haven't seen any of the above mentioned, I sincerely hope you do. Not just becayse of Colin, but because the movie is great (based on a novel by Emily Giffin), "The Client List" is even better and "Melrose Place" is just something you HAVE to see if you are a series oholic!
Kate Middleton and William
I am a HUGE fan of the royal family in Brittain and especially a fan of Kate and Will. They are a beautiful couple. That's why, I just have to say what I mean in this case in France. I think it is VERY distasteful to show nude or half nude photos of Kate in their magazine.
What is your opinion in this case?
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
International Business Communication - English
Nearly a week ago I started on my education called International Business Communication. It has been a bit overwhelming but fun at the same time.
This also means, that I wont have that much time to be blogging, as I have had until now.
From now on, I will mostly be blogging in the weekends, if at all.
I hope you all will understand and bear with me.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Elle collections - The ultimate guide for the new season
Just bought the new magazine today. Loved it. Everything about the new fashion in Paris, London, Milan, Copenhagen etc. it's the Danish version of Elle and I recommend all my Danish followers to buy it if you want to know what's in for the winter. I LOVED it and wow most of the clothes are just so beautifull.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Johnny Depp Supposedly going to play Dean Martin
Deana Martin's memoir, 'Memories Are Made of This' is going to be made in to a movie. Deana Martin is the daughter of Dean Martin. According to Entertainmentwise, Deana wants Johnny Depp to play her father. Because he has the hairline, as she says.
Jennifer Love Hewitt is already signed to play Deana Martin. Deana told the New York Post: "I was performing at (nightclub) Feinstein's last year, talking about the movie, and told the audience that I'd love for Jennifer Love Hewitt to play me. All of a sudden I heard, 'OK, I'll do it.' It was Jennifer. I had no idea she was there."
Now that's a movie I'm definitely going to watch. Depp and Hewitt together (daughter and father)... It can only be good.
Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes spotted in Copenhagen
I am a HUGE fan og Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling, so imagine my disappointment, when I found out, they were in Denmark, and I couldn't even be there. I live in the other end of the country. They are so beautifull together. But that's easy when they both are SO gorgeous.
According to Mr. Perez Hilton Ryan Gosling was visiting "Statens Museum For Kunst" with Nicholas Winding Refn, and Eva Mendes was enjoying herself a nice pancake at "strøget" (the longest shopping street in Denmark). I would give ANYTHING to have met them..
He was also seen at a local pub saturday night (sunday morning) called Wall Street Pub, if that's is true I do not know, it's just what I've heard. I hope they are enjoying their visit in Denmark or were enjoying the visit, if they are already back at home. No one truly knows, besides them selfe, if they are still in Denmark. I wish I could be there, have I said that yet? haha
ANYWAY to the point, lets all hope, that Gosling and Refn are making a new movie together. I LOVED "Drive", and I can't wait for "Only God Forgives". I'm praying for another movie by the two of them, because it seems like they have a great connection, and I've only heard good things about their collaboration.
Wentworth Miller's new project
Wentworth Miller haven't wrapped up the thriller "Loft" before wanting to start a new project.
Wentworth Miller is in negotiations to write an adaptation of “The Story of Edgar Sawtelle,” a project set up at Universal with Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman producing via their Playtone banner, and Oprah Winfrey and Kate Forte producing via Harpo Films.
The David Wroblewski novel, chosen as one of Winfrey’s book club selections in 2008, is a Hamlet-like story centered on a mute boy who is the son of dog breeders. When his father mysteriously dies, circumstances force the teen to run away from home, three dogs in tow, into the woods where he plots a return to expose his uncle as the killer.
While Miller still maintains his career in front of the camera – his latest gig is the Dark Castle Entertainment thriller “Loft,” now in post – he continues to keep one foot in the writing world. He is currently penning the English-language remake of “With a Friend Like Harry,” being produced by Maven Pictures that has Kimberly Pierce attached.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
My love of the day - Tom Hardy
I've been a fan of Tom Hardy for a little while now, and I must admit it didn't become a smaller addiction, after seeing him as Bane in Batman - The Dark Knight Rises. I LOVED the way he plays Bane. He is the perfect villain. I've always loved the joker the most, but now Bane is definitely on the top of my "villains to love" list. He is seductive, and you can see EVRYTHING in his eyes. Even though, in Batman, he has a mask on, covering all of his face, you still see him happy, sad etc. all by the look in his eyes.
In my opinion, this tells a LOT about an actor. This is for me a sign, that tells me, that he is a great actor, and has just begun his career. I can't wait to see, which other big movies/blockbusters we will see Mr. Hardy in, but one thing is sure: His career is far from over, and has just begun..
You can see him in "This means war", "Batman - The dark knight rises", "Warrior", "Inception", "Lawless" and "Rocknrolla" among other things.
Well done Mr. Hardy, you were the greatest villain I've seen, and I wish you the best in your career from now on..
Friday, August 3, 2012
Love for Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte
I've been a fan of Michael Phelps for as long as I can remember. I've enjoyed watching him swin individual in this Olympics. Sadly this is most likely his last Olympics. I hope it isn't, but I think it is. A few years ago my eyes caught Rya Lochte too. He has done amazing this year too, but he is as ols as Phelps, so maybe this is his last Olympic too.
I has been a real joy to follow these guys. I still remember when Ian Thorpe announced, that he was quitting. I also followed him for a while. It is so sad, to see people win that much, and then stop because of the age. But I guess it IS a big job to train for the olympics, so it's a fair choice for them to stop.
I can't wait to see, who will be the next big thing in mens swimming in the Olympics in 4 years.
Who has been your fave athletes at this Olympics?
My love for this summer - China Glaze Summer Neons
I am a GREAT sucker for nail polishes. This blog is more personal than creative, so I have never shown it before. Maybe some day I will, but for now I will just tell you about what I love.
This summer is all about Neons. I thinks China Glaze have done the best with neon polishes this summer.. Some of the colours have got some shimmer in it, and I just love that. It gives the polish something more than just neon, it gives my nails some kind of bling if I may say so.
Last week I bought myself the colous Sun-kissed and Splish Splash. Today I just bought Love's a beach, I'm with the lifeguard, Orange you hot AND Hang-ten toes. I can't wait to recieve them.
The only bad thing is, that I ordered them from USA, so it will take a while for them to get to me here in Denmark. But I tell you I will use them, as soon as I recieve them. Yesterday I recieved Sun-kissed, and I'm wearing it right now. I love it SO much. You can't help but smile and be happy when you see it, and it lives up to the name. It really IS like the sun have kissed your nails. This will definitely be one of my all time favourite colours..
What is your favourite nail polish brand and colours?
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
My love of the day - Wentworth Miller
It is impossible NOT to love Wentworth Miller.. A few days ago I started my marathon of Prison Break. It is so long ago, since I last saw it, so I thought, that now was the time to refresh my memory.
Wentworth miller is my big love today. His smile, his eyes, his nose, his body, his voice, what ISN'T there to love about him?
This is another actor I would do everything to meet, and I wish it would happen.
Prison break was the first time I saw him, when it aired on tv. Later I figured out that I had seen him in one of the first episodes of Ghost Whisperer, and then he slowly appeared in many great movies and series.
He is one to look out for, and I hope we will see so much more to him in the future. He took a small break after Prison Break, but he haven't had the BIG role after this, but who knows, maybe one day he will reappear on out screens. I truly hope so..
We can see him (hopefully) later this year in a re-make of "loft" from 2008 by Erik Van Looy. The movie has ben postponed about a year already, so I hope it will be out in the end of this year as promised. Some says it will be in the start of 2013, so lets wait and see. I know I can't wait.
40 years, and still hot as hell.. His eyes and his smile will NEVER let me forget him. If he wasn't gay, I would be all over him. Heck I'd be here for him, when he wants to be bi... You are always welcome at my doorstep.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Selling some of my stuff
This post is mainly for my scandinavian readers, but if you see something you can always write to me and ask, if you can buy it, and I'm sure, we can figure something out.
You can find me and all my stuff here . I have evertyhing from movies to make up to clothes. different brands. Rimmel London, Maybeline, Max Factor, Asos, Tupperware, Saint Tropez, Turiform, Minimum, Betsey Johnson, Versace for H&M, Rainbeaux, Patricia Field. You name it, I got a lot. So take a look, and see if there's anything you want to buy.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
50/50 what a moving story
I just finished watching 50/50. For a long time I've wanted to see the movie, I just never took the time. Today was the day, I was going to see it today no matter what. It was SUCH a moving story, and I really love it. I love Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and he is awesome in this movie, we also have Anna Kendrick (known from Twilight Saga), Bryce Dallas Howard (also known from Twilight Saga - Eclipse), and Seth Rogen.
The story is about a young man who finds out that he has cancer. His world is turned upside down, while he tries to deal with his disease.
The movie was a lot better than I thought, and it is definitely a movie, that I wont regret watching, and I will consider owning on dvd.
Batman - The Dark Knight Rises was EPIC!!!
I am a VERY big fan of Batman and other super heroes movies, so of course I had to go see Batman The Dark Knight Rises yesterday.
OMG!!! Last night I was in the cinema watched the last movie in the Batman thrilogy - The Dark Knight Rises. The movie was EPIC!! The Dark knight used to be my favourite, but this one is definitely the best! I loved every 2 hour and 44 minutes of the movie. The cast is awesome, You've got the usuals: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman and Michael Cane. Further more, we've got 3 amazing actors, you also saw in Inception: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard and my favourite Tom Hardy. Last but definitely not least we also got Anne Hathaway.
I LOVE Anne Hathaway's performance in this movie. She really has stepped up to her fellow actors. She is getting bigger and bigger and showing what she can; that she isn't the little girl we once saw in "The Princess Diaries" or "The Devil Wears Prada". Now we have seen, that she is so much more, and I think she will be as big as Julia Roberts one day. She really has got everything lying before her feet right now after this role as Selina.
I loved all the action in the movie, and this is yet another masterpiece from Christopher Nolan, one of my favourite producers and writers.
This movie will be all your money worth and then some more. I can't wait to get this movie on Blu-ray, and who knows, maybe I'm going to see the movie again in the cinema. If I haven't said it yet, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT!!!
Last I have to send my thoughts to the family and victims of the attack at midnight in Aurora near Denver, Colorado. This should not be able to happen, and definitely not when you are at such a great event, gathered to watch a movie.
Here is the trailer to tease you little suckers, who haven't bought your ticket yet, I sincerely hope you go and watch the movie sooner rather than later..
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Zac Efron looking like a real man
Yesterday I went to the cinema to watch "The Lucky One". I had been looking forward to this movie, since I started reading the book, and saw the trailer for the movie. I was a little skeptical about Zac Efron in the part, because I thought there was too much boy over him.
Now I am completely taken away. I LOVED him in the role as Logan. He looked like a man with the beard and GAAAAAWD he was hot in the movie. I could watch him over and over again. He played the part perfectly, and now I just want more of the movie, and more of him. Too bad there aren't a sequal to "The Lucky One" haha, but then I guess I just have to buy the movie, so I can watch it over and over again.
The movie is based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks, and is about a man who returns from war in Iraq. In iraq he found a picture, that he caries with him everywhere, and his friend Victor nearly convinces Logan that it is his lucky charm. When he gets home, he decides to track down the girl in the picture, which leads to a great love story, that neither Beth or Logan had expected.
I think the movie is great and I really think many girls would love it. The auther of the books, is the same auther from "The Notebook", "Dear John", "The Last Song" and "Message In A Bottle" just to name a few. i LOVE the books by Nicholas Sparks. He really knows how to write good love novels. When you read his books, you can't help but relive the book. You start thinking "what if that was me?". He is one of my favourite authers and I think he always will be.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Spain wins Euro 2012

And I MUST admit, that I absolutely LOVE IT! They truly deserved it. They were dominating from the very first match, and through the whole competition. When Denmark were out I were rooting for Italy and Spain, but I very quickly decided to root for Spain. I love their game. Many call it boring, but I would say it is thrilling. I LOVE to see them pass the ball thousands of times to each other and just watch their opponents run for their life, just to get a hold of the ball.
In the final we saw Italy and Spain. Spain won 4-0, so it wasn't close, and yet again in this match Spain were the dominating part. They played amazing, and the more you watched of the game, the more sure of, that Spain would win, you would be.
The game had a 3 minutes overtime, and the lovely goalie Casillas, tried to get the referee to stop the game, so that Italy wouldn't be more humiliated. Watch it, in the clip below:
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Nick Stahl is missing... Yet again

According to E! Online last week Nick Stahl checked out of rehab against doctors advice. He stayed with a friend, but left the house thursday, and haven't been seen or heard from since.
What is he doing? Where is he? Why wont he get all the help he needs. I have tons of questions, but I hope we will get the answers for them soon, and that he yet again will re appear very soon, and hopefully get fully clean and stop using..
Monday, June 18, 2012
Euro 2012 Denmark - Germany... it hurts
It hurts a lot. Germany won over us with the score 2-1. One thing I must say, is that Germany deserved to win. We didn't bring our best to the game, and way to often did we play the ball straight to Germany.
Now Denmark is out of Euro2012, so from now on I am rooting for Spain or Italy. I really don't know who, because I love both teams, so I will see how they will make it, and pray for one of those to win Euro 2012.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Euro 2012 Denmark - Portugal

Wednesday we played agains Portugal. Sadly we lost, but we were very close to end the game even. The game ended 2-3 with Portugal as winners. We scored to 2-2, but not long before ending time, Portugal scored the last goal.
Today we are going to play against Germany, where we HAVE to win, to be sure to go through to the quarter finals. We can also end the game even, but then it means that Netherlands HAS to win over Portugal for us to go through. I am very exited for this match and I think we can beat Germany. If we don't, then I hope at least for us to break even, so we're still able to go through.
Good luck to the danish dynamite in this "Group Of Death", we did a great job so far, but it doesn't have to end now..
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Euro 2012 Netherlands - Denmark
WE DID IT! Last night we won over Netherlands. After my opion we did an amazing job, and deserved to win. I think Netherlands had underestimated us, and was shocked at how well we played.
This is one match down and 2 to go. Wednesday we will be playing against Portugal, and on sunday we will be playing against Germany. I hope we can win both matches, but both teams are really great and plays football on a high level, so it wont be easy. But it isn't impossible.
Way to go Denmark, and good luck on the rest of the trip to the finals.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Nick Stahl is ok... Or is he?
According to TMZ the actor Nich Stahl is ok. Apparently he has send an e-mail to a friend saying he is ok, and pledging to go to rehab.
In the e-mail he told, that he was getting treatment, and would be out of reach for the next 30 days. He also wrote that he was sorry for scarring them.
His family hope that he is telling the truth but they have their doubt about it.
I must say, that I have my doubts too. I hope he is, because treatment is the best answer, and then he would probably get back soon.
LAPD are keeping the missing persons file open, because they don't think, that an e-mail is enough for them, to close a file on.
Aalborg carnival
Today Aalborg Carnival is hitting the city. This year I am not joining the rest of the people having fun. OH NO! Today I am going to watch Denmark play against Brazil in a friendly match before UEFA European Football Championship.
I LOVE football and UEFA European Football Championship even more, and ofcourse World Cup too. The match is starting in about an hour, and I am good to go. Waiting with coke and chips with dip.
Later this evening I am going to watch Eurovision song contest. I hope Denmark will win this year, because I think it is many years ago we had a good song, and this time, I think we got it.
This is what my day will be like, I hope yours will be just as great, if not even better.
Have a great weekend
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Something Blue..... For me..
Today I bought two very speciel items for myself.
First and foremost an Orchid. A blue Orchid. I LOVE blue, and I love blue flowers even more
What can I say. This one is just BEAUTIFUL! Don't you think?
Secondly, I bought myself one Dior Vernis. I LOVE the nail polishes from Dior, and last year, they launched a colour called 401 (Saint-Tropez). I LOVED this colour, but sadly it wasn't going to come out in Denmark, and it was a limited edition. I looked it up at ebay and really thought about buying it there, but the prize was double of what it was in stores, so i decided not to buy it..
Not so long ago (about a week or 2 ago), I read, that Dior was relaunching the 401 vernis. i was thrilled.. Then i became even more thrilled, when I read, that it was going to come out in Denmark.Today I found the nail polish at Matas (a Danish shop), andI had to buy it straight away.
I have already put it on my nails and I will NEVER regret buying this polish. I love it SOOOOO much. So thank you SO much DIOR for relaunching one of my favourite colours, and for realaunching it in Denmark!!!!!
First and foremost an Orchid. A blue Orchid. I LOVE blue, and I love blue flowers even more
What can I say. This one is just BEAUTIFUL! Don't you think?
Secondly, I bought myself one Dior Vernis. I LOVE the nail polishes from Dior, and last year, they launched a colour called 401 (Saint-Tropez). I LOVED this colour, but sadly it wasn't going to come out in Denmark, and it was a limited edition. I looked it up at ebay and really thought about buying it there, but the prize was double of what it was in stores, so i decided not to buy it..
Not so long ago (about a week or 2 ago), I read, that Dior was relaunching the 401 vernis. i was thrilled.. Then i became even more thrilled, when I read, that it was going to come out in Denmark.Today I found the nail polish at Matas (a Danish shop), andI had to buy it straight away.
I have already put it on my nails and I will NEVER regret buying this polish. I love it SOOOOO much. So thank you SO much DIOR for relaunching one of my favourite colours, and for realaunching it in Denmark!!!!!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Nick Stahl is missing
A couple of days ago I read on twitter that Nick Stahl was missing. I just thought it was another lie formed on the social page, but today I found out that it is actually true. He has been missing since May 9, which is now 9 days. Not a good thing.
I couldn't be more sad. I've loved Nick Stahl since I first saw him in "Disturbing Behavior", I love his acting, and well his good looks isn't bad either.
I really hope he will appear some day very soon, ALIVE! I've read that he has some drug issues, so I have to admit, that I'm affraid, that this is the reason why he is gone. Hopefully he has just "fallen in", and is not a victim of an OD some where..
My prayers go out to his wife and child, and the rest of his family. I hope they will see him again soon
Monday, May 14, 2012
Last tiger cup in Odense Zoo
Not so long ago a tiger in Odense Zoo gave birth to 3 cups. Unfortunately two of them died quickly. They have a theory that the tiger accidently lay on them. Today the last cup has passed away.
The tiger was a first time mother, and unfortunately tigers don't just know the first time how to act. They say "It was like she just gave up, when the 2 cups passed away", so maybe she just didn't think about the last cup.
This is a very sad thing for me, because I love tigers, and I waas thrilled, when I read, that she had given birth to 3 cups. Tiger are in danger, so it is SO great, when I read about more cups around the world. Yeah the tiger is in a zoo, but better there than in Siberia og Asia getting shot because of its fur.
I am sure, that there will come more cups from this lovely tiger, and she will do so much better the next time, now that she has tried to be a mother.
I wish her and Odense Zoo the best of luck with the future of this tiger and her being a mom again.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Thirty Seconds to Mars Pause Touring to Record New LP

Jared Leto of 30 Seconds to Mars performs in Tinley Park, Illinois.
Lyle A. Waisman/Getty Images
Shortly after Thirty Seconds to Mars wrapped the tour for their third album, This Is War, last December, word began to circulate that the group might call it quits. But the band's frontman Jared Leto tells Rolling Stone
that there's no truth to the breakup rumors. "We are excitedly working
in the studio," says Leto. "I have been working quietly and without much
fanfare, but I've been writing and recording constantly, really
crafting the future sound of Thirty Seconds to Mars."
Leto says he's already written 50 songs and that the band is eyeing
collaborations with several producers and artists including M83's Morgan
Kibby, who joined them in the studio the other day. "She came by and
was playing some synths and doing some programming," says Leto. "She's a
real talent. We're working with some interesting people."
Leto credits the band's "Hurricane" track with Kanye West, off This Is War,
with opening the door for future collaborations. "Working with Kanye
was the very first time that I ever invited an artist and worked with an
artist on a Thirty Seconds to Mars song," says Leto. "That was really
exciting and a really creative experience." Leto now has his sights set
on another hip-hop giant. "I'd love to do something with Eminem. That
would be pretty mind-blowing," Leto says. Also on his wish list of
collaborators: Björk, the Cure's Robert Smith and Sigur Rós, among
others. "There are a lot of artists that I really admire out there."
Leto's attention is focused squarely on the studio this year. So much
so, the band turned down an offer to play the prestigious Hyde Park in
London, where Bruce Springsteen, Paul Simon and Soundgarden are all
headlining this year. But after playing 311 shows in support of This Is War – a sum that earned the band a nod in the Guinness Book of World Records
for the longest consecutive rock tour – Thirty Seconds to Mars are
taking a deserved respite from the road. The short-term break is what
first led to speculation over a permanent split.
"We really didn't know what the future was, and rather than make it
up, we didn't want to commit to anything," Leto explains. "We knew we
were gonna have a significant break. We're not gonna do any touring the
entire year of 2012."
They won't be completely hidden away, however. The band is
live-streaming a show from their recording studio on April 27th via
VyRT.net, Leto's new website. They'll play some familiar songs acoustic
and preview the new material as well as answer fan questions. "What we
do is, we sell individual digital tickets to live events and broadcast
them online in a social theater," Leto explains. "I really started it
because there was a very special show that we had towards the end of our
two-and-a-half year tour. We wanted to broadcast the show in a really
high-quality social way, but when we started to look around, there
wasn't really a company out there that we could use to share this event.
So I started the company.
While VyRT is treading carefully in the early stages, Leto has had
conversations with several other artists about using the technology, and
he envisions a big expansion down the road. "We're actually saying to
artists, 'You can be in control. You can plan and develop a show
yourself, and it can be traditional or non-traditional,'" says Leto.
"Essentially this is a platform for anything and everything live that
people want to share in a social theater."
WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS GREAT NEWS? I can't F*ING wait! It is going to be awesome.
WIN a ticket to "VYRT" april 27, 2012
It is soon time to VyRT. And since I want everyone to see it this time, because it was SOO amazing last time, I am giving away 2 tickets. 1 to 2 different persons.
All you have to do is to write your name in a comment to this post, and REMEMBER TO WRITE YOUR E-MAIL CORRECTLY ON THE TOP..
You also have to be a public follower of this blog to be in this competition, or else you can't win. I write about everything, music, movies, 30STM, fashion, etc etc
I will draw 2 radom winners TUESDAY evening at 21.00 here in Denmark.. That means just about 24 hours from now on!!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
A few days
ago I went to see Battleship. I actually looked forward to seeing this
movie. Mostly because of Alexander Skarsgaard, Brooklyn Decker and
Taylor Kitsch. The movie was really much better than I thought. i LOVE
action movies, and this is most definently an action movie. There was a
couple of bad scenes, that was to cliché, but that was worth living with
because the rest of the movie was great. I am most definently not the
biggest Rihanna fan, and I also would have loved another one in this
role.. I didn't think she fitted into the role, as good as the others
did. She acted good, but there was just something off about her
movie is as many knows based on the game, and I think it transformed
perfectly, and in nearly every scene I could see the game in it. It
didn't became weird with it looking like a game, on the contrary it made
the movie SO much better!
Titanic 3D
Nearly a week ago I went to see Titanic in 3D. I must say, I am not a big fan of 3D movies. Ever since Avatar came out, the producers have made who know how many 3D movies, just because they know it sells. It is too much, and that's why I close to never see a 3D movie. But this was a movie i just HAD to see again and in 3D. I remember when I went to the cinemas back in the 90's to see it. I got to see it 3 times back then, with friends and my sisters.
Back then I simply loved the movie and the actors. I have a huge teen chrush on Leonardo DiCaprio, but who didn't. That quickly disappeared because he didn't come out of the teen breaker role, which he has done PERFECTLY these last 5-7 years. The story in the movie is breath taking, and you can't help but think you are on the ship as well.
Okay so back to 3D. As told I am not a big fan, but this movie is GREAT in 3D. Tis is a movie, which should always have been in 3D. It is MADE for it. Sometimes in the movie, I would love to have seen more of the 3D experience, but it wasn't that often. It is close to perfect with the 3D effects. Better than I would have thought. I loved it, and would go see it 3 times again, if only I had the money for it this time.
If there is someone out there in the blog world, who have NEVER seen Titanic, neither the original nor the 3D, they definently should. It is a captivating story, and maybe you will cry. I promiss you wont be disappointed. it is one of my favourite movies of all time, and it will always be in my movie collection.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Goodiebox March
Goodiebox march has finally arrived. To make up for the long delay with this months box, they have put down 13 products for us instead of 5. Here is what I got in my box:
Pukka uplifting toner full size 179 danish kroner. Has an orange and organic rose scent, it should be used after you have removed your make-up
Kevin Murphy Angel Wash full size 188 danish kroner. This is for fine coloured hair. Brings moisture and has a high level of vitamin C
Veet Suprem'essence vax strips full size 79,95 danish kroner. Leaves your scin smooth, silk soft and fragrant.
Oh my gosh nail polish full size 39,95 danish kroner. Nude colour. Not my colour, but if you are into nude colours I am SURE this is the one for you. I have only hear good things of Gosh nail polishes.
Blax hair elastics full size (8 pieces) 69 danish kroner. This is a new generation of head bands. They are supposed to not rip in your hair and should be easy to take out of your hair. I have my doubts with this one, because I have thick curly hair and I have NEVER had a hair band that didn't rip in my hair because my hair quickly filter, so I am excited to try these.
Aco sense & care hand creme full size 48 danish kroner.Rich on vitamin E and the antioxidant Q10, which protects from free radicals. I love the scent of this creme, and it leave my hands moist and lovely. I will easily be addicted to this creme.
Pukka nourishing face oil full size 329 danish kroner. Organic rose otto, avocado & pomegranate. øåThis should be used before or in stead of a moisturiser. This one I am also looking forward to try. I have heard many great things about Pukka, so I am very happy to find 3 products from them in my Goodiebox.
Pukka Tea full size 38 danish kroner. Here I got 3 different tastes. I am not that happy for different tastes of tea, because I usually don't like it, so I often only drink Earl Grey. But since I got these for free nearly, I am happy to try them. Maybe I like them, and then I can drink something else than Earl Grey.
My 3 flavours are: 1: Cleanse. Organic nettle, fennel & pebbermint (to purify your skin), 2: Harmonise. Organic rose, sweet vanilla & camomile (balancing for women), 3: Refresh. Organic pebbermint, fennel & rose (to uplift & balance)
Chocolate eggs 3 eggs 40 danish kroner. From one of Denmarks leading suppliers of luxury chocolate - PR chocolate. They tasted great but I KNOW that I will NEVER pay 40 danish kroner for only 3 eggs.
This was a long post because there was a lot to write about. I hope you enjoyed reading about last month goodiebox, and I know I can't wait till I recieve the Goodiebox for April.
Remember if you live in Denmark you can still sign up here: GOODIEBOX DENMARK It only costs 119 including delivery. I can highly recommend you to sign up, because I have only recieved 2 box'es , and I love it allready. I know I will be signed up for a long time, so I can try out products that I would never buy because I wasn't sure if they were anything for me. This way I can try them before I buy them and see if they are something for me, and them go out and buy the full size, when I know if it's me.
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