Saturday, July 21, 2012

Batman - The Dark Knight Rises was EPIC!!!

I am a VERY big fan of Batman and other super heroes movies, so of course I had to go see Batman The Dark Knight Rises yesterday.

OMG!!! Last night I was in the cinema watched the last movie in the Batman thrilogy - The Dark Knight Rises. The movie was EPIC!! The Dark knight used to be my favourite, but this one is definitely the best! I loved every 2 hour and 44 minutes of the movie. The cast is awesome, You've got the usuals: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman and Michael Cane. Further more, we've got 3 amazing actors, you also saw in Inception: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard and my favourite Tom Hardy. Last but definitely not least we also got Anne Hathaway.

I LOVE Anne Hathaway's performance in this movie. She really has stepped up to her fellow actors. She is getting bigger and bigger and showing what she can; that she isn't the little girl we once saw in "The Princess Diaries" or "The Devil Wears Prada". Now we have seen, that she is so much more, and I think she will be as big as Julia Roberts one day. She really has got everything lying before her feet right now after this role as Selina.

I loved all the action in the movie, and this is yet another masterpiece from Christopher Nolan, one of my favourite producers and writers.

This movie will be all your money worth and then some more. I can't wait to get this movie on Blu-ray, and who knows, maybe I'm going to see the movie again in the cinema. If I haven't said it yet, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT!!!

Last I have to send my thoughts to the family and victims of the attack at midnight in Aurora near Denver, Colorado. This should not be able to happen, and definitely not when you are at such a great event, gathered to watch a movie.

Here is the trailer to tease you little suckers, who haven't bought your ticket yet, I sincerely hope you go and watch the movie sooner rather than later..

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