SO today I am loosing my virginity. My first blog.. It doesn't hurt :-D haha
So what should I write about?
My first blog HAS to be about 30 Seconds To Mars. I DEDICATE MY FIRST BLOG/MY VIRGINITY TO 30 SECONDS TO MARS..
LOVE them. They are SO great, write the best music I have heard in forever, and you'll never get tired of their music.
They are out with 3 cd's now, and they just keep getting better. LOVED their first album, and then a beautifull lie came out and loved it more, and now This is war is out, and I just can't imagine it can be better than this, but I bet their next album will be even better.
They keep surprising me, and their live shows/concerts are great. They know how to put up a great show and include the audience in it.
As well as on their cd they include their fans. I don't think any else band are doing this, and that makes 30 seconds to mars unique. They want to do EVERYTHING to make their fans happy, and they try their best to do it.
Unfortunately it is nearly impossible to make every single fan happy, but what the h*ll they are doing their best, and that is the thing that matters the most.
I LOVE THEM, ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL. I just hope I can meet them face to face some day. To talk with them. A one on one day could be SO cool. Even though it will never happen, a woman can always dream :-)
SO now my virginity is lost.
Hugs to every single person out their INCLUDING 30 seconds to mars and the Echelon..